Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Next up, second trimester!

September 2nd, 2010 (13w – First day of second trimester!)

Apparently I am not blogging enough.  I can’t believe it’s been 6 weeks.  Today I am officially starting my second trimester.  I am 13 weeks, and the baby is as big as a peach.  Or as long as a shrimp.  Depends on which website I go to.  Either way, baby is getting big!  All major systems are in place, and now it’s just a matter of growing them.  Baby Nichols has fingers, toes, all its organs, and actually looks like a baby now, instead of an alien-like being.  I am thinking of copying my friend Karis’ blog, because she does a weekly update of all symptoms and growth and all that, and it is really neat.

Since I last wrote, we have had 2 more appts with my OB.  Everything has been right on track, and we have gotten to see the baby both times.  At my last appt, we were only going to get to hear the heartbeat, but she couldn’t find one with the Doppler alone, so we ended up getting an ultrasound.  I think baby was just hiding out.  Here's a pic from that visit.

11 weeks, 6 days.  Baby's head is half the length of the body at this point.  And the "floating"  dot in the center is a hand waving hello.

Then last Friday we had our nuchal translucency scan with a perinatologist.  Basically it’s an appt with a specialist, they do bloodwork, and an in depth ultrasound, and check for Downs and a few other birth defects.  Everything came back perfect, so we are in the clear most likely!  We got to see baby much closer up at this one.  Saw fingers, toes, its brain, facial features.  It was really neat.  And baby was jumping around and kinda hiccupping, which was fun.  I can’t wait to start feeling movement!

Next up is an appt with my OB in 3 more weeks, to check the length of my cervix.  I might need a cerclage, but hopefully not!  We’ll see, but I am hoping for the best.  Then at 20 weeks, we have another appt with the perinatologist for a big ultrasound in which the dr checks out all the organs.  Since we are not finding out the sex of Baby Nichols, we’ll have to warn everyone to tell us to look away when they check out those parts!  Even though I am completely convinced it’s a girl.  If they pull a boy out, I might freak out, cuz I just know it’s a girl.  (wow will I eat my words if I am wrong!)  Steve is holding out for a boy though.  He is terrified of a teenage girl and figures if we at least have a boy first, she’ll have another male to keep her in line.  (Haha)
I am posting a new pic from today.  I am busting out of my pants, even though I’ve only gained 3-4 lbs.  I am mostly just bloated, but my pants don’t fit anymore!  I am headed out shopping this weekend cuz I am so uncomfortable at work. 

13 weeks, end of first trimester

I also went to the gym for the first time in months.  I have to keep that up!  It felt great to have some energy and actually want to work out.  I am not being obsessive about what I eat and what I weigh, but I’d like to not gain a ton of weight!  So I have to keep active for as long as I can.

We also are going to finally work on the nursery a bit this weekend.  We were going to last weekend, but instead we took off for Palm Springs for a quick getaway to our favorite resort.  I read an entire book, lay by the pool, and just relaxed.  But this weekend we need to combine the guest room and office, and make room for baby!  We don’t have any furniture yet, but we need to get things cleared out so we can see what we are working with.  I am looking forward to fixing it up and figuring out a theme!

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