Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First doctor appt

July 26th, 2010 (7w4d)

I am officially 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  We went to my OB on July 13th, and went over the basics.  Our health histories, what I can and cannot eat/drink, and what I can and cannot do in regular everyday life.  I don’t really have any restrictions physically at this point, which is great.  She asked me if I was feeling sick yet and I said no and she told me I was lucky.  Then we found out why.  On that visit, I was measuring at 5 weeks, 5 days.  Not as far along as I thought, but I kind of expected that.  So I was about a week and a half off.  Our due date is March 10th.  We got to see baby that day, and even see its heartbeat!  She did an ultrasound and measured and said I was right on track for when I actually got a positive pregnancy test.  She gave me some info and lots of lab forms, and that was it.  We go back on August 4th, and by then I will be almost 9 weeks, and we should get to see something much more interesting!
I went and had genetic tests and standard blood work done that week, and I haven’t heard from the office, so that means that most likely everything is just fine.  I’ll find out for sure at my next appt.

So in the weeks since, I’ve definitely had some changes.  Three days after my appt, I started feeling not so great at work.  Just run down and a bit nauseous.  Then Steve and I went camping and that was not so fun.  It was 100 degrees, and I felt icky and we ended up coming home half a day early because we were all so hot and miserable.  Then that whole next week I didn’t feel well at all.  I never threw up, but I felt nauseous 24/7.  Eating was difficult, and work was annoying cuz I really just wanted to be home in bed.  Then this past weekend, I felt so awful that I hardly got out of bed.  Those were the two worst days.  Steve and I ventured out to Babies R Us and Jamba Juice on Sunday, and I could hardly walk – I was so tired and nauseous it hurt to move.  So I came home and went back to bed.  Then this morning I got up and ready for work, and at about 1pm, I realized that I hadn’t been nauseous all day!  So let’s hope it stays that way!  I feel like my old self tonight, and I even went out and got us sushi and it was yummy again.  (I had it a few weeks back and I didn’t even like it.)

Other changes are that my boobs finally started growing and are now heavy and huge (even more so than usual) and hurt.  I have also been feeling a bit crampy and have had minor back aches.  I also have some strange stretching feelings in my lower abdomen.  I guess my uterus and round ligament are growing already.  Its crazy to feel it, and I can’t imagine what it’s gonna feel like with a 2, 3, 4, 5lb baby in there.  And I am also hungry all the time.  But I am used to that with the thyroid stuff I’ve been thru over the years.  I still want fruit all the time, and I don’t want meat, or even fish that is cooked too much and resembles meat.  Hopefully now that I am not nauseous, I can get back to eating a bit better.  I have already given in to cravings for rootbeer floats, which I never used to do.

So overall, today is a much better day, and I just hope it stays that way, but that nothing is wrong.  I am a happy camper tonight, and I can’t wait to go to our appt in 9 days!!

5 weeks, 5 days.  The circle is the yolk sac, the baby is the top part between the "+" signs (looks like a diamond on a ring)

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