Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Baby on Board

July 1, 2010

Today is the start of the fifth day that I have known I am pregnant!  And tomorrow marks 7 weeks! I think.  I’ll know for sure after I go see my OB in 2 weeks.

Let’s back up.  Last week, I started wondering if I might actually be pregnant.  I was making breakfast one morning, and suddenly I didn’t want to eat.  Weird.  Then, at lunchtime, I didn’t want to eat either.  I wasn’t nauseous or anything, it’s just that suddenly nothing sounded good.  And we all know how strange that is.  I love to eat.  All the time.  Ha-ha.  I have been on 4-5 week cycles, and last week was 4.5 weeks.  So maybe I was late, maybe I wasn’t.  On Wednesday, June 23rd, I took a pregnancy test, and it was negative.  That night, I noticed that my gums were sore.  Another odd thing.  And I was so bloated it was ridiculous.  And now all I wanted to eat was fruit 24/7.  I ate so much fruit last week it’s not even funny.  But all I could do was wait and see.  Then on Friday, I took another test, and it was negative.  This was the make it or break it day.  All day long, nothing.  Then that night, I could have sworn that I started my period, but I didn’t.  So by the time I woke up Saturday, I was a day late, and that has never happened!  So I was pretty sure that I had a baby on board!  But I made myself wait it out another full day just in case, since I really didn’t want to see another negative test. 

Welcome to June 27th, the day we found out that we are going to have a baby!  I woke up at 6am, took a test, and for the first time in my life, saw a “+” instead of a “-“.  Let me tell you what a weird feeling that is!  When you spend half your life trying to NOT get pregnant, it is surreal to see that positive and be happy about it!  So I ran back to bed, shoved my face right up to Steve’s and when he opened his eyes, all I could do was nod my head; I couldn’t even get the words out.  He was so happy and just kept saying “really?  Wow!”  Funny thing is, we got out of bed, and looked at all 3 tests from that week, and on second glance, the second one, from Friday was actually a positive, but so faintly, that I didn’t even notice!
Bottom = Wednesday, not pregnant.
Middle = Friday, pregnant, but thought it was a negative!
Top = Sunday, pregnant!!

Also, apparently the end of June is a really magical time for us.  We got engaged on June 29th, married on June 28th, and found out we’re having a baby on June 27th.  What will happen next year on June 26th?  Another baby?  Haha, just kidding!

So Monday morning I called my endocrinologist and my OB, and I already had to take a blood test and I get the results tomorrow.  The biggest concern is keeping my thyroid levels in check so our little sweet pea (that’s the size this week) gets enough.  So far, so good.  We’ll see what my thyroid doc has to say tomorrow.  Then, in less than 2 weeks, we see my OB, and hopefully, we’ll get to see the little guy/girl and hear its heartbeat!  I am trying to make it to that appointment before we tell our parents.  I don’t want to get their hopes up too much just in case.  And I am trying to prepare myself in case something is wrong, but not think the worst and be negative.  I am just trying to be realistic.  At least we know we can get pregnant, and that is half of it!  Now we just have to stay pregnant!

This week has dragged on forever.  It’s like time slowed down.  I want it to be July 13th already!  I am a little tired this week, but the biggest symptom is waking up at 2, 3, 4am having to go to the bathroom.  You’d think I drank a gallon of water before I went to bed!  But that is just about it so far.  I can definitely smell things better, which is good and bad (lovely bakery smell in the grocery store yesterday vs. sour milk smell of my favorite treat, Lotus frozen yogurt).  I feel like I am eating all the time, although I am not really nauseous yet.  I’ve had little 5-minute episodes, but then they pass.

So for now, I will eat, drink water, and go to the bathroom and pray that our little sweet pea is strong and resilient and will stay put!  I can’t wait to tell the world about Baby Nichols!  Oh, and by the way, the vote right now is to not find out the sex of the baby.  It’s gonna be a long 34 weeks!

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