Wednesday, December 15, 2010

26 Weeks and the beginning of December

Here I am at 26 weeks, 3 days.  
I think I am starting to look pretty big!  I had gained 22 pounds around this time, I think.  I am in the normal range, but at the high end.  I sorta wish it was a bit less, but I know I've been eating tons of sweets, so it's my own fault!  Oh well!  It's the holidays, and as long as my doctor isn't worried, neither am I.  I didn't mention in my last post that the baby is really starting to move a lot now.  Some days I swear it is trying to climb out my belly button.  I am not really uncomfortable yet, but it is definitely weird!  It swims all over, kicks my bladder, my ribs, and everything in between.  It's fun to feel, especially now that I can sort of pick up its patterns.  It is very active at bedtime, of course.  Steve cracks up at how much it gets moving sometimes!  And for some reason, when I take baths, it goes nuts too.  It's fun to lay there, relax, and just watch my belly move all over the place.

December 9th marked the beginning of my third trimester.  Apparently the baby is now the size of a head of cauliflower.  Weird analogy to me, but whatever.  The baby is about 2 lbs, and is 15 inches long.  Craziness!  And it seems that that week all hell broke lose.  I sneezed and lost control of my bladder (it was only like 2 drops, but ew!  I was praying that part would skip me!), my back was killing me, I began to waddle, my hips began to ache at night from sleeping on my side and I just feel generally huge all of a sudden.  But even still, I don't have much to complain about.

Steve's birthday was December 11th, so that was a fun weekend.  We went to Gino's with the fam on Friday night for some yummy Italian food and good wine.  Then Saturday we woke up and I made Steve pancakes and we went to the gym (which I am now obsessed with).  Then he worked on some computer stuff while I baked about 50 cupcakes and straightened the house up.  We had some friends over on Saturday night to watch the UFC fight and then played poker after.  It was a good night.  Then Sunday I shopped while Steve hung around the house.  Then we went to SIP, which is a wine tasting place on Kanan on the way to the beach.  Cool atmosphere, good music, and we got food from my fave, Blue Table.  It was a really nice weekend, and I think Steve had a nice birthday.  He hates getting older, but I keep reminding him that this is going to be a great year for him!

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