Sunday, October 7, 2012

I can't keep up!

This is a blog entry that I wrote last October and never posted.  I am just gonna post it, but then skip a whole year.  GASP!  It's the only way I'll ever get blogging again!

Hannah - 4 months
In July, we celebrated Sarah Reznick's birthday, and found out that she and Joel were expecting!  Very excited for Baby Reznick's arrival in March.  I also went to Nicole's baby shower, and Melanie's bridal shower.  Lots to celebrate!

The biggest thing that happened that month is that I decided not to go to nursing school, and instead stay at my job.  My bosses made me an offer that I couldn't refuse, and the psychopath at my work quit, so I stayed!  I now get to work part time, I make more money, and I have more responsibility.  I only work 3 days a week in the office, and I am home with Hannah the other two.  I just have to work 3 hours on the days that I am home, which isn't too bad!  It has been great being home, and I am enjoying work much more now.

Towards the end of July, Hannah slept thru the night on her tummy for the first time.  That's when she started sleeping thru the night consistently.  Happy mommy!  She also started rolling from back to front.  Here's a video!

At the beginning of August, we went to Vegas with the family.  It was fun, but I spent a lot of time in the room with Hannah.  Next trip will definitely be sans baby!  Our parents were all great about watching her, but I still had to feed her or pump, so I was with her a lot!  The highlight of the trip was Hannah finally meeting her Uncle Clint!

When we got back from Vegas, Hannah started sleeping thru the night, from about 10p to 6a.  Never thought it would happen!  Amazing!

Hannah  - 5 months
When we got back from Vegas, we decided to start giving Hannah some solid foods.  We started with rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, peas, bananas, apples and took off from there.  There really isn't anything that Hannah won't eat.  She is pretty much a garbage disposal!  She isn't terribly fond of squash, but she will eat it if I mix it with something.

We went and visited the Browns (Steve's cousins) and had a pool party.  Hannah loves the water.  We can't wait for next summer when she can really enjoy it.

Also, this month Hannah went to her first birthday party!  Kami Aguirre turned one, and she had a super fun Hello Kitty party.  Hannah wore a pretty dress and had a lot of fun!

The next day, Hannah crawled for the first time.  That seems like a lifetime ago!  She still couldn't even sit at that point, but she crawled!

For Labor Day we went to visit the Burgwalds in San Diego.  Hannah and her boyfriend Oliver had so much fun together.  She just loves him.  Then we found out that Morgan was pregnant too.  Lots of babies on the way!

Hannah  - 6 months
In early September Hannah and I began a Baby N Me class at the local park.  We met quite a few nice moms and babies.  It was on Fridays for 8 weeks, for 45 minutes.  We learned new songs and made new friends.

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