Sunday, June 12, 2011

No swaddle

I wrote this post on May 26th, when Hannah was just shy of 12 weeks old.

Lately Hannah has been breaking out of her swaddle. She loves it and sleeps really well when swaddled, but now she breaks out all the time and I think it is waking her up. She gets her hands out and gnaws on them and decides that she is hungry. Here is a pic of her today, after breaking out...
Obviously, not too happy. So tonight I decided to try putting her to sleep without a swaddle. I have her in a light sleep sack, with her arms free. I put her down, and at first she just played with her hands, and was really quiet. Then she screamed and flailed around for about 10 min, and passed out. So far so good. Now, as I sit her writing this, she is awake again, and playing with her hands, but not crying. Hopefully she will go back to sleep soon.

She was going to bed around 6pm, which was nice because Steve and I could actually have a baby-free dinner together. A month ago, Hannah would scream at our dinner time, and we were constantly eating cold food, eating separately, etc. So once she started going to sleep at 6, it was kind of nice. But then she'd wake up for her first night feeding around 11 or 12, after I'd only been asleep for an hour or so. Not good. So we pushed her bedtime back, and she is now going down about 8pm, give or take a half hour. And she is much calmer in the evenings, so dinner is still nice. This is also better because I am going back to work next week, and I'd like to see her once I get home, instead of having to put her right to bed. The only problem is, since we started putting her down at 8, she has started only sleeping 4 hours or so at a time, so she is still up at midnight. Oy vey. So now, without the swaddle, let's hope she sleeps longer!

Wish us luck! I'd like to get some decent sleep once I go back to work!

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