Wednesday, July 24, 2013

19 weeks

How pregnant am I?:  19 weeks, 1 day

Weight gain so far:  about 9 lbs.  My doctor was actually concerned that I wasn't gaining enough!  Up till this week, it was only about 6 lbs.  I am sure I will start gaining more now that I am further along, but I am really trying not to put on the 45 lbs that I did with Hannah.  My back hurts enough as it is!
Belly Button:  Flattening out already!  SO much earlier than last time.
Clothing options:  I still choose to wear dresses to work most days. Comfy and cute.  I am definitely into maternity clothes now. I am just happy that I finally have a belly that looks pregnant, instead of just looking chubby!
Boobs:  Went up another bra size yesterday.  Argh.  I think I'm gonna end up bigger this time around.
Now about the real star of the show:  This week baby is as big as a large mango from crown to rump.  Genitals are fully formed, which means we get to find out gender, tomorrow in fact!  Baby is growing hair.  Baby can hear us most likely, and it's reflexes are strengthening.
Pregnancy "symptoms":   My back is killing me constantly.  I can feel little kicks now!  I am already moving more slowly.
Cravings:  Sweets and fruit
What I've bought so far:  Still nothing for the baby.  Focusing on Hannah's Big Girl Room!
Best moment this week:  Tomorrow when we have the anatomy scan.
What I miss:  Same thing as last time:  Wine.  Being able to lounge around as often as I want.  Hard to do with a 2 year old at home!
What I am excited for this week:  Finding out the gender, and my vacation with Hannah to Norcal to see Vanessa and Kristen!
Other news:  At my appt at 16 weeks, my OB and I both thought that baby looked like a boy.  Trying to not to get our hopes up too much, but I'd be surprised if it ends up being a girl after what we saw!  Hannah says that my baby is a boy and hers is a girl.  :)

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