Saturday, January 15, 2011

32 Weeks

I am now officially the age I will be when I have my first baby.  31!  Sounds old.   Not just 30, but in my thirties.  Yikes.  It's all in your mind though right?  And I still think I am 20, so there.  Steve was sick on my birthday, which was a bummer.  I felt bad even dragging him out to dinner but he was a good sport.  We went to Giovanni's in the valley.  It was really yummy, and there were about 10 of us.  I have the best family.  :)

The next day, I went out with mom and Tina and went shopping for baby stuff and baby shower stuff.  Thank god they helped me, because after only a few hours of traipsing around town, I could barely move.  It is amazing how tired and achy being pregnant can make you!  But I got almost everything we need for my showers, and also some things for me for after the baby arrives.  My fave is the cozy soft $10 robe that I found at Target for the hospital.  I am wearing it right now, and I wish I could just live in it!

How pregnant am I?:  32 weeks, 2 days - will post a picture later on

Weight gain so far:  Well I didn't gain any weight as of last week either, but I guess the baby and I made up for it this week.  I am now up 31 lbs.  I am half a lb away from 170.  Yikes.  Never thought I'd see that number!  Oh well.

Belly Button:  Flat, but still not an outtie

Clothing options:  Boring boring boring.  I am so sick of my maternity clothes, and can't wait to wear normal clothes again!

Boobs:  Same.  Huge.

Now about the real star of the show:  The baby now weighs as much as a honeydew.  That's about 4 lbs.  And it might be as long as 18-19 inches!  I definitely can tell it has grown.  I am getting kicked and punched so much, and when it rolls around, my stomach stretches in the craziest ways!  Baby is also really looking like a baby now, depositing fat under it's skin and chubbying up.  Also, the baby can apparently tell the difference between day and night now, because the wall of my uterus is thinning and letting more light in.  Which makes sense, because it sleeps at night while I sleep, but the second I wake up in the morning and take my medicine, it is awake and wiggling around so I don't get to roll over and go back to sleep!  Finally, the baby has it's own immune system in place now.

Pregnancy "symptoms":  Same as last post.  Backaches, I waddle, I am tired, slow, and uncomfortable a lot of the time!  Oh, the new thing is, my right foot is totally swollen, but I left is normal.  I am one sexy lady.

Cravings:  Sweets still, lots of water.  Can't seem to get enough these days.

What I've bought so far:  Nothing new this week, but my baby shower is today, so this baby should be getting some new things!

Best moment this week:  Knowing that Steve is completely done painting the nursery!  Now I can begin decorating, washing, etc.

What I miss:  Energy.  Being able to walk more than 5 feet without needing a bathroom.

What I am excited for this week:  My shower!


  1. I weighed 197 the day I went into labor! yea so 170 sounds pretty hot to me ;)

  2. oh and I love love LOVE the nursery! It is PERFECT!!!
