Thursday, September 9, 2010

14 Weeks

So I am going to start doing something a little bit different.  I am sorta copying a friend's blog (Karis I hope you don't mind!) because I really enjoy reading her updates.  It'll also help me chronicle this pregnancy better, because I am already forgetting things from the beginning, and that was only like 8 weeks ago!  So by the end, I am sure I'll forget plenty (that is why women go thru this multiple times, right?  Because they forget?! Actually, this is a breeze, I'm not complaining.)

How pregnant am I?:  14 weeks

Weight gain so far:  4.5 lbs.  yeseterday I had only gained 3.5, but as of this morning, another pound appeared.  I am right on track, and quite proud of myself, considering my food choices and lack of exercise. :)

Belly Button:  Believe it or not, I took my piercing out a few weeks ago, because my belly button is already shallower than it was.  It definitely looks different!

Clothing options:  I can still wear almost all of my clothes, especially with the help of the Bella Bands (genius).  But I did receive some clothes from a couple of friends, and I also went out and bought a few things this past weekend.  I wore a cool pair of Old Navy maternity jeans to work yesterday, and they are a bit big (again, love those Bella Bands, they even hold up too-big pants!) but they were soooo cute and comfy.  They will be my new favorite pants in no time.  I also definitely have some shirts/sweaters that I can no longer wear because they are too short in the front.  I could be HUGE by the end of this pregnancy!

Boobs:  Still huge and sore and the subject of many conversations around here.  But luckily, no stretch marks or anything yet!

Now about the real star of the show:  This week Baby Nichols will be growing from the size of a lemon to a navel orange.  Hard to believe it is already that big!  But at least that begins to explain my growing tummy.  Apparently he or she is also getting more graceful in its movements, rather than being jumpy and jerky.  I can't feel anything yet though.  Baby Nichols can also squint, frown, grimace, pee, and suck its thumb!  It's also stretching out and straightening up.  And it's body is starting to catch up to its head (last week, the head was half the entire length of the body!).  Finally, baby is growing hair all over its body (not just on its head), which it will eventually lose, but for now it is keeping it warm since it has very little body fat.  

Pregnancy "symptoms":   I am actually feeling pretty good all day, normal even.  But then I crash hard around 9pm, like I ran a marathon all day or something.  I sleep ok, but I end up on my side a lot, which isn't all that comfortable.  But I really can't complain because I am still getting a lot of sleep!  And dare I say it, but I haven't had much of a back ache for a few days now (knock on wood), and that was my biggest complaint last week.  Let's hope that lasts, because back aches suck, especially at work!  Steve would probably say another symptom is me having "pregnancy brain," which he makes fun of me for all the time.  It's getting better, but I still do dumb things everyday that can't be explained by anything else.  Oh, and I also have what I think is round ligament pain, every time I stand up too fast.  Other than that, no labor signs, nothing else of note.

Cravings:  Still want lots of fruit, and baked goods (I actually baked a cake this week, something I never do!)

What I've bought so far:  Maternity clothes, and that's it.  I tried to buy something cute for the baby this past weekend when I was out with my mom, but finding neutral clothing is near impossible!

Best moment this week:  Having a three day weekend, and finally clearing out the "nursery" and combining the guest room with the office.  Now we just have to decide how we want to decorate the nursery so we can begin painting!

What I miss:  Wine.  But I'll live.  And sleeping thru the night (meaning, not getting up to pee 5 times a night)

What I am excited for this week:  No big events planned, but I am looking forward to another weekend with my hubby!

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