Weight gain so far: only 12 pounds. I am in awe. It's just cuz I chase Hannah all over the place and rarely have time to relax. Lord knows I haven't been exercising or really watching what I eat!
Belly Button: Gonna be out soon!
Clothing options: Maternity only, with the exception of a couple of stretchy dresses.
Boobs: Heavy and huge
Now about the real star of the show: This week baby is the size of an eggplant. She (yes I said she!) can see light and can hear our voices. Hannah likes to shine the flashlight on my belly since I told her that! SHe is probably about 13.5 inches long and 1.5 lbs already. SHe is adding baby fat now too!
Pregnancy "symptoms": Lots of movement. Back and hip pain. Indigestion. Good times
Cravings: Sweets and fruit, still! PIE!
What I've bought so far: Just a few little PJ outfits for her. Now that we know it's a girl, we don't need a whole lot!
Best moment this week: Seeing her at my ultrasound today. She was completely curled up in a pike position and did not cooperate at all
What I miss: Moving around easily. Sleeping well.
What I am excited for this week: Hannah starts school on Thursday! Third trimester beginning!
Other news: It's a GIRL! In case you missed that.