Friday, October 21, 2011

Big Changes - Hannah is 3 months old

I originally wrote this post on 6/11/11.

I was confusing myself with my previous posts.  I was going by months, counting the month after her birth as her "1st month" but really she was 0 months old.  Now that she is getting older, it was too confusing to keep that up.  So this is an update about her as a 3 month old, starting from June 5th-July 5th.

So my last post ended with Marlene's baby shower on June 5th.  Well, she went into labor just a week later, and had baby Evan 5 weeks early!  They were not prepared for that, obviously!  But everyone was healthy and happy and just fine.  He was actually over 5 lbs!  So Hannah has a new cousin, and is no longer the "baby."

I went back to work right after Memorial Day weekend, and it wasn't all that bad.  I missed Hannah of course, but it was nice to get back to work and start getting caught up.  I have to pump twice a day at work, so that is boring and time consuming.  But so far so good!  Still able to exclusively breast feed, so that is great.

Hannah is really changing a lot these days. She is smiling and laughing all of the time which is super fun. We have some games we play with her that make her giggle, but sometimes she just sees me and laughs and smiles too.

Yesterday she started leaning forward in her swing. Her abs are getting much stronger! She would lean forward and grab her blanket, or a toy, or a burp rag and then shove them in her mouth. She is constantly reaching for something now! And if you put a toy in her hand, she can grasp it now, and immediately chews on it.

Also, last night she slept for 9 hours straight! She's never slept more than 7 hours, and that was only once. Lately she's been sleeping only about 3-4 hours at a time. Steve is in Laughlin on a boys trip and I fed Hannah and put her to bed around 8 last night. Then at about midnight she fussed and I left her alone and prayed she'd go back to sleep. Well next thing I knew it was 5 am and I couldn't believe it! I actually panicked because I couldn't see her chest rising on the monitor, so I was terrified that she wasn't breathing, and I went into her room and she startled awake. She was fine. I am curious to see what happens tonight!

This morning she also rolled over again. I was brushing my teeth and had her on her play mat on her belly in our bathroom. Well I leaned over the sink to spit out my toothpaste, and 2 seconds later looked down and she was on her back smiling up at me. I missed it! She is sneaky. She hasn't rolled over in about 2-3 weeks, so this was another big milestone!

Finally, she is outgrowing her 0-3 month clothes and moving into her 3-6 month ones. Tonight I put her in a brand new pair of PJs, and I really didn't think they'd fit yet, but they do! She is so long, she needs the extra room for her legs now!

Today we went to my cousin Brent's birthday party. Hannah has pretty much met the whole family now. She gets passed around from person to person and doesn't mind one bit. Hopefully she will stay that way.

The rest of this post I wrote after the fact.

We got to celebrate Steve's first Father's Day this month.  I got him a cool hiking carrier for Hannah.  We can't wait to use it.  She just needs to grow a bit first.

Also, Vanessa had her baby this month.  His name is Caleb, and he is a big boy!  Total opposite of their daughter Emma, who has been a skinny minnie her whole life.  So congrats to the Riggs'!

Hannah is also able to sit in her Bumbo chair now without slumping over!

Here she is in my favorite PJs, that my friend Craig's parents gave her.  They are so soft and snuggly.  She is sitting propped up by a pillow without me holding her!

And she can finally sit in her cool jungle safari jumper!  We have a pillow and towel under her because she can't reach the ground, but she LOVES this thing!

Hannah went swimming this month for the first time.  She seemed to like it.  We just waded around Steve's parents' pool.  We got her a float with a shade on it, but she is too little for it right now.  I even dunked her, and she didn't seem too upset about it!  Here she is in her swing after swimming.

We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on June 28th.  We went to King's for some oysters and beers, and had a really nice time.  Here's a pic.

Last big thing from this month was celebrating the 4th of July at our usual party at the Aguirre house.  It is always a great time, with yummy food and great people.  Here is an adorable picture of Hannah, and one of the three of us.

Here's a few more pics from the month.