Friday, March 4, 2011

39 Weeks

Stop reading if you don't want gory pregnancy details.

Today I am 39 weeks, 1 day pregnant. Went to the doc this morning, and even she can't believe that I am still pregnant. She really thought I'd have this baby by now! She checked me again today and I am now a "good" 3cm and 80% effaced. We made an appt for next Friday, and again, she says no way will I be there. But just in case. She asked if I wanted to be induced, but I opted against it. The baby's heartbeat is great, I am hanging in there, and there is just no reason to mess with mother nature. But if by some miracle I make it to my appt next Friday, then we will be scheduling an induction for the following Monday or Tuesday (around the 14th). But I can't imagine that being the case.

So here's the gory pregnancy part. This entire week I've been losing my mucus plug, so that is progress. Then yesterday I thought my water broke in the morning, but then nothing else happened. Now tonight I am sitting here wondering the same thing. And my back is absolutely killing me. (Although I did do a bit of housework today that might have hurt my back.) So I am sitting on the heating pad and waiting it out. It's just so hard not knowing what your body is doing! Everyone says that I will just know, so I guess I am not? Ugh. We'll see!