How pregnant am I?: 38 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain so far: 43 pounds. Wish it weren't so many, but nothing I can do now! I have been eating pretty healthy, although I could have exercised more. But I am sure I will lose it all. It is what it is!
Belly Button: Sort of an outtie. Not very attractive, with my scars from my laparoscopy and my piercing.
Clothing options: Yoga pants and a nursing tank. Or a long sleeve shirt. That's about all I wear. If I leave the house, I manage to put on jeans sometimes. But I can't wear bras anymore, because my belly pushes my boobs up to my chin, lol. So I have been living in a nursing tank. And I can only wear flip flops or Uggs, and even those are getting tight. Thank goodness I am almost done!
Boobs: Huge. Although they seem bigger because my belly pushes them up. Lol.
Now about the real star of the show: This kid is officially a watermelon, the last fruit of my pregnancy! And boy, does my belly look like it has a watermelon in it. It could be as big as 7 lbs at this point (or 8 or 9 according to my doc!) and about 19 to 22 inches in length. That's a big thing to carry in your belly! It's a wonder I have no stretch marks yet! The baby is pretty much ready to go. Lungs should be developed, it's losing the vernix that was protecting its skin, and it should be a "normal" color now, since it should have plenty of fat and chub! Basically, it can come out and play now! Hear that baby?!? Come out!
Pregnancy "symptoms": Swelling of my feet, which is pretty bad. I still waddle. I feel like someone's head is slamming into my cervix, which is probably exactly what is happening. I have heartburn a lot now, and I feel really sorry for people who have this on a regular basis. It's awful! And my back hurts quite often. But I am hanging in there. The biggest new symptom, is that for the past 24 hours, I have finally been having contractions, and I am losing my mucous plug (TMI sorry!). But it's great, because it means I am getting close!
Cravings: Water, pineapple, fruit, sweets. Exercise. I want to run, hike, bike, ANYTHING!
What I've bought so far: What haven't I bought? How about what I want to buy....clothes that are pink or blue! I want gender specific clothes like you wouldn't believe!
Best moment this week: Seeing Shawn and Morgan and Oliver, and knowing that Steve and I will have what they have soon. Oliver is so amazing and so cute and sweet. And they are such great parents, and a true team. I can't wait to have what they have. :)
What I miss: Snuggling with Steve, sleeping thru the night, not feeling like it is such a chore just to move! Exercise!
What I am excited for this week: Could this be the week? I am hoping so, that's why I finally caught up on blogging. Baby come out and play!